Subject to the following rules, members of the public shall be afforded time, during regular and special meetings open to the public, to provide comments to the Board of Trustees or the Board of Local Improvements (referred to collectively below as “Board”):
- Individuals shall address the Board during the Public Comment segment listed on the Agenda.
- Comments shall be confined to topics or activities which fall within the statutory authority of the Board.
- Each individuals remarks shall not exceed five (5) minutes in length, unless extended by special permission of the President of the Board.
- It is requested that, if possible, one spokesperson for a group be appointed to represent the views of the entire group. In this case, the group’s collective remarks, as presented by the spokesperson, shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes in length, unless extended by special permission of the President of the Board.
- The total time provided for all remarks during the Public Comment segment shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes in length, unless extended by special permission of the President of the Board.
- Speakers are requested to state their name and, if speaking on behalf of a group, state the nature of the group they are representing.