What's New

Sewer Problems? Call (630) 969-0664
Our technicians are available at all hours to help you.


Job Opening – Part-Time Billing Assistant


The Downers Grove Sanitary District is currently accepting applications for a Part-Time Billing Assistant through Tuesday, June 28, 2022.  The Part-Time Billing Assistant is responsible for processing billing receipts and assisting with other billing functions. The pay range for this position is $15.05 – $22.58 per hour based on the applicant’s experience. Please note that Part-Time Billing Assistant must reside within a 60-minute travel time from the District’s Administrative Center…


Join our June 14 Board of Trustees meeting


Join us tonight at 7 p.m. for the June 14, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting. Public may attend this meeting in-person at the District Administration Center at 2710 Curtiss Street, Downers Grove. Members of the Public who attend the meeting in-person will need to wear facial coverings. This month’s BOT agenda: https://www.dgsd.org/wp-content/uploads/bot06-14-22agenda.pdf. Public Comment The District has an online form for the Public who wish to virtually attend or cannot…


Office Closed May 30 for Memorial Day


In observance of Memorial Day, the District’s administrative office, located at 2710 Curtiss Road in Downers Grove, will be closed Monday, May 30, 2022. The District’s office will reopen at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, May 31. If you are a customer experiencing a sewer backup, please call us at any time at (630) 969-0664 to report the incident. We have personnel on call at all hours.


Join our May 24 Board of Trustees meeting


Join us tonight at 7 p.m. for the May 24, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting. Public may attend this meeting in-person at the District Administration Center at 2710 Curtiss Street, Downers Grove. This month’s BOT agenda: https://www.dgsd.org/wp-content/uploads/bot05-24-22agenda.pdf. Board of Local Improvements The Public may also attend our May 24 Board of Local Improvements meeting beginning at 6:45 p.m. in-person at the District Administration Center at 2710 Curtiss Street, Downers Grove….


Join our April 19 Board of Trustees meeting


Join us tonight at 7 p.m. for the April 19, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting. Public may attend this meeting in-person at the District Administration Center at 2710 Curtiss Street, Downers Grove. This month’s BOT agenda: https://www.dgsd.org/wp-content/uploads/bot04-19-22agenda.pdf. Board of Local Improvements The Public may also attend our April 19 Board of Local Improvements meeting beginning at 6:45 p.m. in-person at the District Administration Center at 2710 Curtiss Street, Downers Grove….


Office Closed for the Holiday – April 15


In observance of Good Friday, the District’s administration center, located at 2710 Curtiss Street in Downers Grove, will be closed Friday, April 15, 2022. The District’s office will reopen at 8 a.m. on Monday, April 18. The due date for any payments or conferences is moved to Monday, April 18. If you are a customer experiencing a sewer backup, please do not hesitate to call us at any time at…


Updated office hours for Administration Center starting April 4


Beginning Monday, April 4, the District’s administration center at 2710 Curtiss Street, Downers Grove office hours will be 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you are a customer experiencing a sewer backup, please call us at any time at (630) 969-0664 to report the incident. We have personnel on call at all hours.


Biosolids now available for delivery


Spring into the season with the District’s FREE biosolids distribution program to enhance your lawn and landscaping. Starting March 14, the District is accepting biosolids delivery requests for residents and businesses. Biosolids is a byproduct from the wastewater purification process at our Treatment Center and is full of nutrients that are ideal for your flowerbeds, lawns or other landscaping needs. The District delivers biosolids free of charge in quantities starting…


Join our March 15 Board of Trustees Meeting

Join us tonight at 7 p.m. for the March 15, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting. Public may attend this meeting in-person at the District Administration Center at 2710 Curtiss Street, Downers Grove. This month’s BOT agenda: https://www.dgsd.org/wp-content/uploads/bot03-15-22agenda.pdf. Board of Local Improvements The Public may also attend our March 15 Board of Local Improvements meeting beginning at 6:45 p.m. in-person at the District Administration Center at 2710 Curtiss Street, Downers Grove….


For Sale! Used Vehicle and Equipment Sale


Update 2/24/22: The vehicle and equipment have been sold. The District is having a used vehicle and equipment sale. We are selling a 2011 Ford Ranger XL Super Cab and miscellaneous used equipment including gas generators, snow blowers and Weather Guard Toolboxes.. Those interested can submit a sealed bid to the District office, 2710 Curtiss Street, Downers Grove. Bids will be accepted until 10 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 24, 2022. For…

Sewer Problems? Call (630) 969-0664
Our technicians are available at all hours to help you.

Contact Information

2710 Curtiss Street
Downers Grove, Illinois 60515-0703

Phone: (630) 969-0664
Fax: (630) 969-0827

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Contact Us

