What's New

Sewer Problems? Call (630) 969-0664
Our technicians are available at all hours to help you.


Job Opening – Accounting Assistant


The Downers Grove Sanitary District is seeking applicants for the position of Accounting Assistant for the District through Friday, February 25, 2022. The Accounting Assistant is responsible for payroll, accounts payables and other financial duties. The current salary range for the position is $45,508 – $68,262. Actual salary is dependent on the selected applicant’s qualifications. A Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Accounting, Economics or equivalent accounting-based degree and two to five…


Join our Feb. 8 Board of Trustees Meeting

Join us tonight at 7 p.m. for the Feb. 8, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting. Public may attend this meeting in-person at the District Administration Center at 2710 Curtiss Street, Downers Grove. Members of the Public who attend the meeting in-person will need to wear facial coverings. This month’s BOT agenda: https://www.dgsd.org/wp-content/uploads/bot02-08-22agenda.pdf Public Comment The District has an online form for the Public who wish to virtually attend or cannot…


Low Income Household Water Assistance Program available to District customers


District customers who need help paying their sewer bill may qualify for DuPage County’s Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). LIHWAP offers federal funds to eligible residents to assist them with the payment of past due balances up to $1,500 for  disconnection or restoral of disconnected water and/or sanitary sewer services. District customers may apply through DuPage County for assistance with their wastewater bills for the life of the…


Join our Jan. 18 Board of Trustees Meeting


Join us tonight at 7 p.m. for the Jan. 18, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting. Public may attend this meeting in-person at the District Administration Center at 2710 Curtiss Street, Downers Grove. Members of the Public who attend the meeting in-person will need to wear facial coverings. This month’s BOT agenda: https://www.dgsd.org/wp-content/uploads/bot01-18-22agenda.pdf Public Comment The District has an online form for the Public who wish to virtually attend or cannot…


Illinois middle school students invited to participate in “Water’s Worth It” contest


Students in 6th through 8th grades are invited to participate in the Central States Water Environment Association “Water’s Worth It” essay contest. Students are encouraged to learn about their local water supply and the human role in the water cycle by writing a 400-to-700-word essay. Students will compete for over $1,000 in cash and other prizes while gaining an appreciation for the infrastructure, energy, and impacts on nature that our…


Office Closed Dec. 31 for New Year’s Eve


In observance of New Year’s Eve, the District’s administration center, located at 2710 Curtiss Street in Downers Grove, will be closed Friday, Dec. 31, 2021. The District’s office will be reopen at 10 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 3. If you are a customer experiencing a sewer backup, please do not hesitate to call us at any time at (630) 969-0664 to report the incident. We have personnel on call at…


Office Closed Dec. 24 for the Holidays


In observance of the upcoming holidays, the District’s administration center, located at 2710 Curtiss Street in Downers Grove, will be closed Friday, Dec. 24, 2021. The District’s office will be reopen at 10 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 27. If you are a customer experiencing a sewer backup, please do not hesitate to call us at any time at (630) 969-0664 to report the incident. We have personnel on call at…


Join our Dec. 21 Board of Trustees meeting


Join us tonight at 7 p.m. for the Dec. 21, 2021 Board of Trustees meeting. Public may attend this meeting in-person at the District Administration Center at 2710 Curtiss Street, Downers Grove. Members of the Public who attend the meeting in-person will need to wear facial coverings. This month’s BOT agenda: https://www.dgsd.org/wp-content/uploads/bot12-21-21agenda.pdf Board of Local Improvements The Public may also attend our Dec. 21 Board of Local Improvements meeting beginning at…


Job Opening – Administrative Supervisor


The Downers Grove Sanitary District is seeking applicants for the position of Administrative Supervisor for the District through Friday, December 24, 2021. The Administrative Supervisor is responsible for the general operation of the District’s Administration Center, including user billing, fiscal programs, purchasing, recordkeeping, personnel functions, special projects and supervising administrative staff. The Administrative Supervisor also fills the role of human resources officer for the District. The current salary range for…


District Offices closed Nov. 25 & 26


In observance of Thanksgiving, the District’s administration center, located at 2710 Curtiss Street in Downers Grove, will be closed Thursday, Nov. 25 and Friday, Nov. 26. The District’s office will be reopen at 10 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 29. If you are a customer experiencing a sewer backup, please do not hesitate to call us at any time at (630) 969-0664 to report the incident. We have personnel on call…

Sewer Problems? Call (630) 969-0664
Our technicians are available at all hours to help you.

Contact Information

2710 Curtiss Street
Downers Grove, Illinois 60515-0703

Phone: (630) 969-0664
Fax: (630) 969-0827

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Contact Us

