Due to inclement weather the Administration Center has been closed. We are still available by phone so please reach out if you need anything, (630) 969-0664. The due date for payment has been moved to Tuesday, January 16. For drop box locations or payment options please visit the “your account” option on the home page. Please stay safe out there!
Wallace “Wally” D. Van Buren passed away on Thursday, January 11. Wally was a resident of Westmont and dedicated more than 50 years to serving his community. He served on the Downers Grove Sanitary District’s Board of Local Improvements from 1990-1996 and the Board of Trustees since 1992. Wally took the role of Board President in 2013. He was also a Commissioner on the Planning and Zoning Board of Westmont…
In observance of New Year’s Day, the District’s administration center, located at 2710 Curtiss Street in Downers Grove, will be closed Monday, Jan. 1. The District’s office will be reopen at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 2. If you are a customer experiencing a sewer backup, please do not hesitate to call us at any time at (630) 969-0664 to report the incident. We have personnel on call at all…
In observance of Christmas, the District’s administration center, located at 2710 Curtiss Street in Downers Grove, will be closed Monday, Dec. 25. The District’s office will be reopen at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 26. If you are a customer experiencing a sewer backup, please do not hesitate to call us at any time at (630) 969-0664 to report the incident. We have personnel on call at all hours.
Join us on Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023 at 7 p.m. for our Board of Trustees meeting. Public may attend this meeting in-person at the District Administration Center at 2710 Curtiss Street, Downers Grove. This month’s BOT agenda: https://www.dgsd.org/wp-content/uploads/bot12-19-23agenda.pdf. Public Comment The District has an online form for the Public who cannot attend a meeting to submit public comment. District staff shall read aloud any received public comments during the Public Comment…
Students in 6th through 8th grades are invited to participate in the Central States Water Environment Association “Water’s Worth It” essay contest. Students are encouraged to learn about their watershed by writing a 400-to-800-word essay. Students will compete for over $600 in cash and other prizes. Regional and state-wide winners, in both creative writing and research categories, will win cash plus prizes, certificate of achievement, and their essay published in…
Check out the Daily Herald article “How your Thanksgiving cooking oil can be transformed into biofuel” featuring the District and SCARCE’s cooking oil recycling program. “Unlike SCARCE’s other drop-off locations, the center keeps the cooking oil it collects: It recycles and uses the resulting biofuel on-site. “We use that cooking oil in our digester. It’s digested with the solids from our wastewater plant. Because the digester gets anaerobic, the bacteria…
In observance of Thanksgiving, the District’s administration center, located at 2710 Curtiss Street in Downers Grove, will be closed Thursday, Nov. 23 and Friday, Nov. 24. The District’s office will be reopen at 8 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 27. If you are a customer experiencing a sewer backup, please do not hesitate to call us at any time at (630) 969-0664 to report the incident. We have personnel on call…
Join us on Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2023 at 7 p.m. for our Board of Trustees meeting. Public may attend this meeting in-person at the District Administration Center at 2710 Curtiss Street, Downers Grove. This month’s BOT agenda: www.dgsd.org/wp-content/uploads/bot11-21-23agenda.pdf Public Comment The District has an online form for the Public who cannot attend a meeting to submit public comment. District staff shall read aloud any received public comments during the Public…
If you’re frying a turkey this Thanksgiving, be sure to recycle your cooking oil! Recycling used cooking oil helps divert thousands of pounds of oil and grease away from sewers, preventing major clogs and issues. As part of SCARCE‘s annual, one-day event, we will be collecting used, liquid cooking oil on Saturday, Nov. 25 from 9 a.m. to noon at our Administration Center. For more information about the event, visit SCARCE’s Cooking…